Full name: Fiks Yefim Zisievich

Date of birth: 11/27/1946

Place of birth: Volyn region, the city of Kovel.

Address: Simferopol st. 7; kv. 48;

INN: 1713211314

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: EC908572

AT026962 ES908572

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad: AT026962

Mobile numbers: +380503973672 +79787535920

Education: Graduated from the Far Eastern State University in 1979 with a degree in history.


– Chairman of the Standing Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on normative activity;

– Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Committee on Legislation

Labor Activities:

1965 – 1994. – Served in the Armed Forces on command-political posts. Colonel in the reserve.

1990 – 1994 – Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. – 1990 – 1994 – Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Social Issues.

2004 – 2006 – Member of the People’s Assembly of Ukraine of the IV convocation. – People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the IV convocation.

Since 2006. – Member of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the VR Commission on the Restoration of the Rights of the Rehabilitated Member of the SDPU(O) since 1996.

1998 – Secretary of the Crimean regional branch of the SDPU (O), since 1998 – member of the Politburo of the Party

On August 17, 2007, he was once again elected deputy chairman of the SDPU

Collaborationist activities:

An accomplice of the occupiers since 2014. Fiks Efim Zisievich is a historian, a colonel in the reserve. He was registered as a candidate for deputy of the Krasnoperekup City Council of the Republic of Crimea of the first convocation under the occupation authorities from the “Just Russia” party.

Yefim Zisievich is hiding from the Security Service of Ukraine under Article 111 Part 1, he probably thought that the prosecution authorities would not be interested in his activities.

The “people’s” deputy also loudly expresses himself in Russian news channels and shows his negative attitude towards Ukraine and the United States.

Thus, Fix was swallowed up by Russian propaganda and made him no longer a deputy, but Putin’s bedfellow of the rf system.

So far, Yerim Zisievich has been complicit in terrorist, extremist and separatist activities in Crimea.