Full name: Barbashov Yuri Vladislavovich

Date of birth:

Callsign: Journalist (worked for the “MART” TV and radio company)

Place of birth: Nikolayev

Address of registration: 134 Cosmonautov St., Nikolaev, kv. 109.


г. Obninsk, rf, Humanitarian Center;

г. Nikolaev, School №28

Higher education: National University of Shipbuilding named after V.V. Lomonosov. Makarova

Faculty: Engineering and Economics

Rank: Sergeant

By whom and when was the rank conferred: The commander of the people’s militia from 07.11.2014, order №259

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: EO No. 108118

Identification number: 2747918033

Mobile numbers: +380734621072, +380955336761

Occupation: t.n. Head of the Snigiryov civil-military administration


Political Formation:

It’s hard to find such a scoundrel and traitor as Yuri Barbashov. He began manifesting his anti-Ukrainian stance back in 2010; at that time he was not just one of the initiators of the “fifth column,” but an entire ideologist of destructive propaganda, destroying the Ukrainian identity from within.

In 2011, he managed to get into the Nikolaev police base for possession of narcotic substances – cannabis.

Collaborationist activities:

After a number ofof of political turmoil in Ukraine since the launch of the European integration in 2014, Yuri Barbashov began rocking domestic rallies in support of Putin. Repeatedly held anti-Ukrainian rallies in Mykolaiv.

He took part in the so-called meeting of the “Coordinating Council of the Southeast Movement” held in the occupied city of Donetsk, chaired by Oleg Tsarev, where Yuri Borbashov “had the honor” of representing the Nikolaev region. This resulted in a “resolution on the protection of sovereignty and the organization of state administration ofthednr/ lnr. For some time he lived in Donetsk, where he held anti-Ukrainian rallies.

Later, when politics took a bit of a back seat and an armed conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine, the “respected” Yuri took an active part in the military actions against Ukraine on the side of the so-called The “people’s militia of the LNR, as the social networks are full of photos of military equipment. He also met with Denis Pushylin and Oleg Tzarev several times during his visit to the Donetsk region.

On August 13, 2022 it became known that Yuri Barbashov was appointed to the position of the so-called The head of the Snigiryov district civil-military administration. He distributed humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation and repeatedly claimed that civilian infrastructure was being shelled from Ukraine.