Full name: Yuri Valentinovich Mitlenko

Date of birth: 09/08/1982

Passport: CA 882422

The passport was issued by: Tokmakovsky Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhya region, 17.11.1998.

Driving license: VAN087131, CATEGORIES – A, B.

Driver’s license issued by: TOKMAKOVSKY OFFICE OF RER, 14.05.2015 (till 14.05.2045)

INN: 3020109913

Place of birth: Tokmak, Zaporozhye Region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Address: Zaporozhye region, Tokmak city, Sovetskaya street, 44

Cell phone:



– collaborator

– Head of the passport office of the Tokmak interdistrict department of the occupation Ministry of Internal Affairs

– Ex-Deputy of the Tokmak City Council from the party “For Maybutne


Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Yuri Valentinovich Mitlenko was born September 08, 1982 in Tokmak, Zaporozhye region.

With the invasion of the state of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, and the beginning of the temporary occupation of Tokmak by the Russian army, the collaborator did not resist the invaders.

He betrayed the state of Ukraine and for that the occupiers put him in the position of the so-called Head of the passport office of the Tokmak interdistrict department of the occupation Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Also, Yuri Mitlenko is suspected of being a collaborator with the occupation authorities in patrolling the streets of the city; during the raids, they searched for pro-Ukrainian residents, as well as anyone related to the AFU or law enforcement agencies.

In addition, the man is also suspected of guarding various city facilities at the behest of his handlers.

Such activity can be regarded as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine, crossing over to the enemy under martial law and during armed conflict, voluntary occupation of a position in the bodies of occupational local government, cooperation with the Russian occupiers and similar actions.

After reviewing all of the above facts, we can conclude that we see another collaborator, collaborator of Russian war criminals and occupants, an employee of one of the bodies of the occupation MVD, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against the state of Ukraine.