Full name: Yuri Yurievich Motsevoy

Date of birth: 24.10.1986

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Mikhailovsky district, village Plodorodnoye

Address of residence: Zaporizhzhya region, Mikhaylovka district, Mikhaylovka settlement, Lenina str. 69, 2

Phone: +380980509640

TIN: 3170807930

Passport: 130797937

Driver’s license: KRA398502

Position: Policeman of the 1st Squad of Platoon No. 1 (mobile) of the separate company of the Patrol and Checkpoint Police Service of the Internal Affairs Department of Vasilievka city and Vasilievka district

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Yuriy Yurievich Motsevoy – born on October 24, 1986 in Zaporizhzhya region, Mikhailovsky district, village Plodorodnoye.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Motsevoy did not even try to hide his separatist views and openly supported Russian aggression and went over to the side of the enemy.

Thus, in February 2022, he voluntarily entered the service of the occupants to the position of “Policeman of the 1st department of Platoon No. 1 (mobile) of the separate company of patrol and post service of the police of the UVD in Vasilievka city and Vasilievka district”.

Unquestioningly, without remorse – obeyed, carried out unlawful orders to infringe on pro-Ukrainian citizens of Zaporizhzhya.

The traitor provided direct assistance to the occupation structures in performing managerial functions on the territory of the Mikhailovsky district.

Motsevoy also participated in the organization and holding of a pseudo-referendum on the accession of Zaporizhzhya region to the russian Federation. He was responsible for the electoral rolls and performed counting duties.

An accomplice of the Russian occupiers will be punished fairly for betraying his native country and collaborating with it, and he will surely pay for all his sins and all his egregious actions against Ukraine and its people.