Full name: Yury Valeryevich Turulev

Date of birth: November 14, 1967

Place of birth: rf, Saratov region, Turkovsky district, Starye Grivki village

Address of residence: Kherson region, Belozersky district, Chernobaevka village, Krasnoflotskaya street, 48.

DRFO: 2478907219



Mobile numbers: +380506732342, +79900016575

Occupation: t.s. Head of the Chernobaevskoye rural civil-military administration

Labor Path:

He lived in the village of Chernobaevka for over 30 years. For 11 years he worked in the sphere of automobile transportation, was a head of the local bus station, was a deputy head of Kherson association of bus stations, head of Kherson suburban bus station LLC “Khersonavtotrans”. He worked as head of the shop and head of the feed complex. Service in the armed forces
didn’t pass.

Collaborationist activities:

Yuri Valerievich, like many collaborators who have defected to the side of the occupation troops, plays according to the same script. All claim that they occupy a particular position in the occupation administration purely in the interests of the public, because, in his words, the Ukrainian government has abandoned people to the mercy of fate.

The same rhetoric, about Ukrainian troops shelling civilians and infrastructure, residents living in fear and uncertainty about whether they will live to see another morning.

Yuri Valerievich does not hesitate to say that it is the Ukrainian side that does not allow the farmers to carry out the necessary work, because the shelling of the Ukrainian side does not stop.

Moreover, the fields are full of unexploded cluster munitions, which makes farmers and everyone involved in agriculture and some kind of work in the fields even more fearful. A lot of broken agricultural machinery, which makes it very difficult for farmers to work.

Also, the head of the Chornobaivka rural civil-military administration is concerned that because of the destructive “Ukrainian propaganda,” civilians are afraid to go to work.

In particular, it concerns the operation of educational institutions and kindergartens, which “may come under fire from Ukrainian servicemen.

Yuri is also a “very frequent guest/expert” in the rf media, where he claims that the Ukrainian armed forces are shelling the village of Chornoboyevka from the city of Nikolaev, and has repeatedly participated in propaganda events of the collaborators.

He is an intermediate link – a “puppet” in the Chernobaevskaya rural military-civilian administration. He tries to convince the civilian population that the Ukrainian government gives criminal orders to its military in order to further discredit the Russian Federation, which “pursues a peace-loving policy and protects the Russian-speaking population.

Yuri Valerievich “hunts” pro-Ukrainian people and gives tips to the Russian security forces about the location of the pro-Ukrainian population. It also fights for recognition among the civilian population that Russian servicemen are the legitimate military administration in the village of Chernobaevka and the Kherson region.

Moreover, Yuri Valeryevich emphasizes in every media appearance that the armed forces of the Russian Federation manage to survive at least somehow in the countryside. The occupation authorities take care of the civilian population and try in every way to resume the work of critical facilities, namely educational institutions, kindergartens and medical facilities. The russian government also supplies the region with humanitarian aid.


On June 22, an attempt was made on Yuri Valerievich’s life. A high-explosive shell exploded near the car and was placed in close proximity to residential buildings. The victim himself received light shrapnel wounds.

After the attempt on Yuri’s life, it became known that the occupation authorities strengthened security measures for both Yuri and all the collaborators.

Collaborators also prefer to undergo treatment and rehabilitation in the temporarily occupied Crimea, because very much they all fear for their lives, Yuri Valerievich was no exception.