Full name: Zoya Ivanovna Finko (Zagoruiko)

Date of birth: December 03, 1967

Marital status: single

Place of birth: Kharkiv region, Kupyansk

Place of residence: Kharkiv region, Kupyansk, ul. 1-th May, 30, kv. 77.

Education: V. N. Kharkov National University. Karazina

Faculty: Mechanics and Mathematics

Specialty: mathematical analysis

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: MK 910995

Identification number: 2480800989

Mobile number: +380662524966

Occupation: t.n. head of the division of pension provision of the temporary civil administration of Kharkiv region


Collaborationist activities:

She crossed over to the side of the occupant with a feeling of deep conviction that she was doing absolutely the right thing. Having taken an important enough position, as for a person of preretirement age, she instantly began to criticize the Ukrainian government for not caring about pensioners.

Having gathered a cohort of like-minded pensioners, she began to actively promote the idea that Ukraine has never needed pensioners, the current government treats such people as “waste material”.

It is worth noting, however, that as the head of the so-called In Kupyansk, she distributed humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation and gave out material aid in the amount of 10,000 rubles. rubles.

Knowing the expressiveness and gullibility of the elderly, she tried to stir up internal conflicts in society, which would discredit the political leadership of Ukraine for starting a large-scale war.

She spread deliberately false information about the good life in the Russian Federation, the life one should strive for. She assured me that pensioners in Russia are well provided for and live a good old age.

Most pensioners tend to believe in some kind of rumor and unverified information, given this trend, Zoya Ivanovna “poured” into the heads of the elderly the information that Western countries are planning to divide Ukraine among themselves, as it was in the Soviet Union.