Full name: Ataev Artur Viktorovich

Date of birth: March 20, 1976

Address of residence: Moscow, Vorobyovy Gory, 1.

Email: [email protected].

Phone number: +79260570989 , +79654240559


Position: political scientist, Russian public figure


Artur V. Atayev, born March 20, 1976, Moscow – , political scientist, public figure. Deputy Executive Director of the Society for the Development of Russian Historical Education “Two-headed Eagle”. Candidate of Political Sciences In 1998 he graduated from the K.L. Khetagurov State University of North Ossetia.

In 2003, he completed the Presidential Management Training Program for the national economy sectors. Worked in the system of higher professional education as a senior lecturer, assistant professor, scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the K.L. Khetagurov North-Ossetian State University.

In 2004, he defended his dissertation as a candidate of political sciences at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Title of the Dissertation: State Power and Respect for Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms in the Russian Federation

Terrorist Activities:

Public support for Russian military aggression against Ukraine. As of 2017. – deputy executive director of the Society for the Development of Russian Historical Education “Two-headed Eagle”.

Artur Atayev is a scoundrel who only hopes to fragment the territories of an independent state such as Ukraine. To this day, Atayev still reports a lot of power to undermine Ukraine’s political and social order. However, Arthur can not understand one small, but very important fact. That Ukraine, as an independent state, would flourish without Arthur’s own help, much less the support of the Russian Federation.