
Full name: Nadezhda Yurievna Balitskaya

Date of birth: 23.11.1975

Address: Ukraine,Zaporizhzhya region,Energodar city

Contacts: +380662273636


– photographer of events in Energodar;

– photographer under the occupying authorities;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupation troops



Nadezhda Balitskaya, an accomplice of the Russian invaders, was born in the city of Energodar, Zaporizhzhya region.

The girl worked as a custom photographer for various events and was also a photojournalist for a business. She was officially employed at ZNPP, where she worked before the war.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops began on February 24, 2022, Nadezhda Balitskaya engaged in aiding and abetting the enemy and collaborationism. And not only the surname pushed the girl to become a collaborator and traitor, like the Gauleiter of Zaporizhzhya region – E.Balitsky, but also real actions towards the Ukrainian people. Because Nadia chose to serve Russia.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the arrival of the occupants in Energodar, the woman began to actively support the ideology of the “Russian world“, promoted and facilitates theactivities of theoccupants in the territory of Zaporizhzhya region.

Then the traitor voluntarily switched to the side of the Russian occupants and agreed to work as a photographer in the press service of the occupation administration in the passport office of Kamenka-Dniprovska.

The traitor worked closely with the occupation authorities and provided information support for the activities of the occupation administration in Energodar, as well as photographed collaborators and traitors for Russian passports.

By helping the occupiers, the collaborator Nadezhda Yurievna Balitskaya signed her own sentence. And for treason and aiding and abetting the enemy, she faces imminent punishment and a fair time behind bars.