
Full name: Kunitskaya Natalia Petrovna

Date of birth: 15.08.1974

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kherson region, Nizhneserogozsky district, village Stepnoye

Address of residence: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Kamenka-Dneprovska, Mayakovskogo street,11

Passport: CA 081425

Driver’s license: JTA 151943

Contacts: +380664640611

Email: [email protected]


– former employee of the Kamensk-Dniprovsky District Center of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth;

– an employee of the administrative structures under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities



Collaborator, who for the sake of “Raseya” betrayed her native land and went to the side of the “Russian world” – Kunitskaya Natalia Petrovna was born August 15, 1974 in Kherson region, Stepnoe village. She has worked in public administrative offices as well as in social services.

For a long time she worked as an employee of Kamensk-Dniprovsky District Center of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth. But after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, the woman was visibly active in her pro-Russian stance and decided that working for the occupiers would help her in her career development.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Thus, the traitor Kunitskaya, who used to love to talk about patriotism and the history of the Ukrainian state, agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities and is now setting up social activities in the temporarily occupied territories under the guidance of the Russian pseudo-authorities in the Zaporizhzhya region.

The collaborator took the position of the head of the Department of Family Affairs of Kamenko-Dniprovskyi Administration under the occupation authorities of E. Balitskyi, namely the pseudo-duty of the head of the Department of Minors’ Affairs and Protection of their Rights under the VGA.

But the traitor cannot hide from the law. For supporting the occupation troops, as well as spreading pro-Russian sentiments, the accomplice of the “
of Russian peace
“Natalia Petrovna Kunitskaya will have to answer to the law. The collaborator will receive a fair punishment.