Full name: Shapkin Sergey Vitalievich

Date of birth: 06.09.1963

Place of birth: Mariupol, Donetsk region.

Places of residence:

  • Donetsk region, Volnovakha district, Pavlopol, ul. Molodezhnaya, 29;
  • Donetsk region, Mariupol, 124 Granitnaya str;
  • 4B Naberezhnaya St., Sartana village, Donetsk region.

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: VS726045

Identification number: 2325905793

Personal vehicle: Reno Duster 2016 issue, steel color, license plate: AH5449OR

Mobile numbers: +380675415161, +380956575135, +380629630546, +380629630536

Occupation: t.n. head of the Pavlopol community


Labor Activities:

2006 – Chairman of the Pavlopolsky Village Council;

2017 – rural head of the village. Pavlopol, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region;

2021 – chief specialist of the department of reform implementation in the Sartan Council of Rural Military and Civil Administration of the Mariupol District of the Donetsk Region;

2022 – head of the Pavlopol community.

Collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the large-scale war in Ukraine, he carried out propaganda activities with the local population. Gathered local residents at the House of Culture, where he talked about the benefits of living in the Russian Federation.

From 24-25.02.2022 he visited the administration of the occupied city of Novoazovsk, where he had a meeting with Nikolai Morgunov. Soon after this meeting, he was appointed head of the Pavlopol village council and began cooperating directly with the occupiers.

He cooperated with representatives of the so-called ” DnR People’s Militia ” to search for and identify pro-Ukrainian residents who might be hiding Ukrainian servicemen.

Moreover, he distributed humanitarian aid from rf, with a special focus on handing out Phoenix cell phone starter packs.

During the period of 26-27.02.2022 Sergei Vitalievich together with representatives of the people’s militia “DnR ” carried out penetration into residential premises of citizens. He took valuable items of people who were forced to leave the settlement due to the occupation.