Полное имя: Абзалов Тимур Русланович

Место рождения: Республика Узбекистан

Места проживания:

г. Симферополь

  • ул. Севастопольская 21;
  • ул. Симеизская 28, кв 2

г. Евпатория, ул. 9-го Мая 45, кв 8.

Образование: Таврический Национальный Университет им. В.И. Вернадского

Звание: полковник

Мобильный номер: +79787143222

Род деятельности: прокурор по надзору за расследованием криминальных дел в прокуратуре АР Крым;

т.н. смотрящий за оборотом, сбытом и функционированием наркоторговли в Крыму


He went over to the side of the occupant, was glad that he was starting to serve in the Russian Federation, told me that in Ukraine to get the rank of major or higher one has to pay bribes.

I spread the word that many politicians in Ukraine are in favor of a union with Russia.

Service record:


  • следователь прокуратуры центрального района г. Симферополь;
  • старший следователь прокуратуры центрального района г. Симферополь;


  • прокурор местной прокуратуры в г. Джанкой;
  • прокурор местной прокуратуры в г. Симферополь;

2014 – 2019

  • прокурор Евпаторийской прокуратуры;
  • прокурор Белогорского района;

2019 — прокурор г. Красноперекопск;

2019-2020 — прокурор Красноперекопского района;

2020 — прокурор Каширского района Воронежской области рф, старший советник юстиции;


  • сотрудник Евпаторийской прокуратуры;
  • прокурор по надзору за расследованием криминальных дел в прокуратуре АР Крым.

Support for the Occupier:

He is a member of the destructive armed “Russian Spring” movement, where he, in turn, fabricated fictitious cases against protesters in occupied Crimea.

After the stabilization and consolidation of russian power in Crimea, Timur Ruslanovich was involved in the persecution of the Crimean Tatars. He received the necessary data from Seytumer Nimetullaev, who founded a public organization called “Qurim Birligi,” whose purpose was to protect the Turkic people, but de facto is only a flywheel of repression.

With so much experience and an impressive track record, Timur has managed to acquire many useful contacts, the most honorable of which are drug dealers.

Timur Ruslanovich covers drug dealers, for which he gets a splendid dividend. Over such a long period of work with the occupation authorities, Timur managed to establish an entire drug cartel, consisting of a coordination center in Crimea and reserve distribution points in the so-called “dnr/lnr.

Timur Ruslanovich pays special attention in his daily activities to the gambling business, which is closely connected with the drug trade.

Behind the entire Crimean gambling business is Timur, who has taken under his protection the so-called local politicians, who, in turn, lobby for each other’s interests, thereby making the scheme work like a Swiss clock, with no margin for error or exposure.

It is worth adding that Timur, as a representative of the law, has established himself very well in the highest circles. Therefore, the leadership has been eyeing him for a long time to give him a new position and expand his capacity to raise more impressive funds for the Crimean prosecutor’s office.