
Full Name:
Victor Andreevich Emelianenko

Date of Birth:

Possible addresses:
Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region,ul. Gogol 19; Sevastopol, Pozharova str. 203, sq. 45D;

Education: Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization; Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of the Academy of State Administration under the President of Ukraine;

Contact: +79780453161,

Email: [email protected]

Passport: 0914 471799, issued on 19.09.2018 by the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in Sevastopol 920003

TIN: 920457724000

SNILS: 18957805849

Car: Skoda OCTAVIA license plate number A006TE92


– serviceman, handyman, instructor of the people’s squad;

– an official, a member of the Party of Regions;

– deputy “head” of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast PTO. Е. Balicki;

-collaborator, collaborator of Russian invaders


Emelianenko Victor Andreevich – a laborer and official who went to “service” to the occupiers was born on October 11, 1953 in the village of Egorovka, Orekhovsky district, Zaporozhye region. He has two higher educations. During the Soviet era, he served a term in the army, worked as a laborer in factories and collective farms in the region, and then joined the authorities. He worked his way up from an instructor of a voluntary people’s squad to the head of administration of one of the districts of the region. He was a member of the Party of Regions.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Viktor openly supported the Russian aggression and went over to the side of the enemy, engaged in collaborationist activities in the territory of Zaporozhye region temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation. At the same time, back in 2014 he happily “escorted” Zaporizhzhya activists of the “anti-Maidan” to Kiev, and in 2018 he became a citizen of rf.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

From the first days of the occupation Emelianenko actively cooperates with the Russian occupation authorities. Being personally acquainted with the “gauleiter” of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya region E. Balitsky, Victor asked to be “in his service”. The latter appointed Victor as his “deputy” on the basis of “old friendship”.

The traitor provides direct assistance to the occupation structures in performing management functions on the territory of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya region. Any orders and directives from Balitsky and the Russian occupation forces go exclusively through Viktor Emelianenko.

Victor is personally responsible for the crimes of collaborators and occupiers against the population of V.O.. Zaporizhzhya region as one of the “leaders” of the Russian occupation power. Under Emelianenko’s gun, collaborators continue to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Victor Emelianenko, a collaborator of the Russian occupiers, will be justly punished for betraying his native state and collaborationism, and he will definitely pay for all his sins and crimes against Ukraine and its people.