• Rashist who shot captured AFU fighters on Donetsk direction identified

  • Ghost Colonel: Who caused Putin to lose Sudja

  • The fall of the Archangel. Who is behind one of the major projects of the Russian IPSO

Denis Pushilin

  • Андрей Григорьев

    Andrei Grigoriev

  • Эльвира Витренко

    Elvira Vitrenko

  • Андрей Харитонов

    Andrei Kharitonov

  • Татьяна Томилина

    Tatiana Tomilina

Andrey Mordvichev

  • Александр Хлюстов

    Alexander Khlyustov

  • Николай Хватков

    Nikolay Khvatkov

  • Дикий Дмитрий Алексеевич

    Dmitry Dikiy

  • Александр Перязев

    Alexander Perjazev

Golden Knight

  • deti-voiny

    Children of War (Kinder des Krieges)


  • Prometheus LLC

  • All-Russian People’s Front

Igor Chagaev

  • Игорь Астранин

    Igor Astranin

  • Ольга Лукович

    Olga Lukovich

  • Рамиль Галиев

    Ramil Galiev

  • Максим  Пухов

    Maxim Pukhov

Tatiana Montyan

  • Евгения Яшина

    Eugenia Yashina

  • Алексей Ясинский

    Alexey Yasinsky

  • Евгений Воронов

    Evgeny Voronov

  • Андрей Сапенюк

    Andrei Sapenok

Surrender Instructions

  • How do you resist if you are an office worker under an occupation administration?

  • Why is it categorically impossible to obtain a Russian passport in the temporarily occupied territory?

  • How do you confront it if you are in a leadership position?

  • How do you resist if you are an employee of the authorities?

Through the efforts of volunteers of the information front“evocation.info” a database of collaborators, traitors and propagandists was created, which is filled with new information (dossier) about them every day.

All traitors will surely be held accountable for their crimes!

Subscribe to the main channel

Subscribe to the backup channel

This project was inspired by you, as there were many ideas, and a recent questionnaire helped us to focus on what is most important to you.

We’ll be spelling out more information on cluster chats.
📯 Kherson region;
📯 Zaporozhye region;
📯 Donetsk region;
📯 Lugansk region;
📯 Kharkov region;
📯 Crimea.

There will be spot announcements and news.

🦾 Every traitor and collaborator must be punished. To begin with – criminal liability, and then – as it goes.

All information received from you will be useful in the de-occupation of the territories.
For we, through your and our work together, will form the base of the aforementioned.

Sign up to keep up to date with news about the irrevocably launched processes against the occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories.

🦾 Send the information to the chat bot, and then we’ll add the appropriate form on the site as well. Any information is important – and verified information or truffles of your actions will be paid (🤑).